mardi 6 novembre 2012
Disneyland Paris Christmas Update : It's a Small World Celebration HD Video
It's happening each year during the Christmas season at Disneyland Paris Fantasyland, and this year too DLP guests will enjoy "It's a Small
World Celebration" a special Christmas version of the beloved ride. Even the music is changed and is a mix of the IASW song and Jingle
Bells! And, guess what?, i have for you a great HD video of it, and for your perfect enjoyment don't forget to choose to watch it in 1080P.
Enjoy the show!
Video: copyright Disney and more
Picture: copyright Max Fan
vendredi 28 septembre 2012
Epcot 30th Anniversary : A Video Celebration
Epcot is celebrating its 30th Anniversary on October 1st! Wouldn't it be great to be there? Sure, but as not everyone will be able
to attend the event here is a selection of HD videos of most of Epcot rides which will make you feel you ARE there!
Don't forget to choose the 1080p definition, and of course watch them all in full screen mode.
Spaceship Earth
Ellen's Energy Adventure
The Seas with Nemo and Friends
Test Track
Mission space
Living with the Land
Journey into Imagination with Figment
The most beloved extinct attraction, Horizons, here in low-res
And, from World Showcase:
America Pavilion: American Adventure
Mexico Pavilion: Gran Fiesta Tour starring the Three Caballeros
Norway Pavilion: Maelstrom
Canada Pavilion: O Canada
France Pavilion: Impressions de France
Videos: copyright Disney, Undercover Tourist, DarthVader92
Picture: copyright disney
mardi 18 septembre 2012
Captain EO back this October at Disneyland Paris Discoveryland at selected dates

Good news for Michael Jackson fans as Captain EO will be back at Disneyland Paris Discoveryland at selected dates, starting October 1st.
The attraction will be open every day except from Oct 3 to Oct 5, from Oct 10 to Oct 12, from Oct 17 to Oct 19 and from Oct 24 to Oct 26.
Which means that it will be closed three days each week. Captain EO which was closed permanently earlier this year will also be open
in November. Chances are that these four days a week only opening will last until the park has found something else to replace Captain EO,
may be the Star Wars Land project that we talked about some months ago...
Anyway, this Captain EO is a good opportunity to re-post this great video interview of WDI Imagineer Rick Rothschild who was part
of the team who designed the original concept. In the video Rick was of course talking about the return of the attraction at Discoveryland
but also reveals that other concepts were first envisioned for a Michael Jackson attraction, back 20 years ago!
Picture: copyright Disney - Lucas Film
Videos: copyright Disney and more
Libellés :
captain eo,
michael jackson,
Rick Rothschild
lundi 10 septembre 2012
Disneyland Paris " Les Mystères du Nautilus " Attraction - HD Video

Opened in 1994 thanks to the beautiful work of Discoveryland show-producer Tim Delaney along with dozens of WDI artists, sculptors, etc..."Les Mystères du Nautilus" attraction couldn't have been built without Tom Scherman who, as Harper Goff had passed away, was
the last one to know the secrets of the legendary submarine. Some of you may never had the luck to visit Disneyland Paris, so here is
a high-definition video of Discoveryland's "Les Mystères du Nautilus" attraction as well as panoramic pictures showing the submarine
in the Discoveryland lagoon. Please click on the panoramics to see them in big size.
The lighting inside the Nautilus is pretty dark but, after i've filmed a first time all the Nautilus inside decor, i was fortunate to have
a better lighting as they were closing the attraction and they always put more light to check that no guests stay inside the submarine
before they close the doors.

Hope you will enjoy the walk-through! To come back to Disney and more home page after you've watched the video, please click HERE
Video: copyright Alain Littaye. All my thanks to who kindly provided some shots for this video.
Libellés :
disney nautilus,
disneyland paris,
harper goff,
les mystères du nautilus,
tim delaney,
tom scherman
samedi 25 août 2012
Star Wars : Detours, A New Animated Comedy Series

Honor Hunter of Blue Sky Disney did a post about it two days ago, and i couldn't resisted to had a look to this new Star Wars animated
comedy series called "Star Wars Detours". What the hell is it, you ask? Well, according to the official description "Star Wars Detours is an
animated comedy that explores what daily life is like in a galaxy far, far away. There are no Empires striking back or attacking clones
here. Instead, Star Wars Detours focuses on the universe's regular folks and their everyday problems... which, to be fair, do frequently
involve famous bounty hunters, crazed Ewoks, and even a Dark Lord of the Sith. Welcome to Star Wars: Detours: the other side of the stars,
between the wars".
This animated series is not aired on any TV channel yet so what you'll see below are just previews but i have to say that i like it. I mean,
i like the look, the design of it. If the jokes are good enough to be really funny all along each episode then it might become a cult show.
However, i think that Honor is right when he wrote "It's clearly aimed at a younger audience than "The Clone Wars," but it does seem
to have humor that will fly over kids heads". Good point, and we'll see how successful it will be.
It also may be surprising to have a show like this produced by Georges Lucas considering that it's having fun of his own creatures.
But, first, i think that Lucas is smart enough to enjoy something good even if it's having fun of his creatures, and, two, i suspect that
Georges also realized the merchandise potential if the show become successful ( or even if it doesn't ). Expect anytime soon a new style
of Han Solo, Obi Wan, Princess Leia and all the others characters, this time in cartoonesque mini figurines!
In the meantime, have a look below at a selection of already released clips. Don't watch only the trailer - the first one below - as the clips
are better. As usual, make sure you choose to watch it in high definition, just click on the little wheel on the bottom right to choose the highest available definition.
And once you're done CLICK HERE to come back to Disney and more home page!
Picture and videos: copyright Lucas Film
mardi 21 août 2012
Universal Studios Singapore : Madagascar, A Crate Adventure Full Ride HD Video

I've got a great video for you today of a big Universal Studios ride which exist ONLY at Universal Studios Singapore! Madagascar, A Crate Adventure was among the E-Ticket rides of Universal Studios Singapore supposed to open on USS opening day, and then some technical problems delayed its opening for more than a year. From what i've been told originally the ride was supposed to have some lifts and falls
but for various reasons it didn't worked well and the system was provoking floods, so they had to totally re-design the whole attraction.
On this new version of the flume ride there is no lifts or falls and it's true that we're missing it. That said the ride is unique to USS and although some don't like it or think it's lame i can't say that i don't like it at all. Apparently the ride storyline follows the story of the
original Madagascar movie and the ride itself use a mix of audio-animatronics and projections effects. It's a curious ride, it's difficult
to say that it's extremely good but it's not bad either. Something is missing to make it a truly magical ride even if you can feel that
the guys of Universal Creative did their best.
Anyway, here is a brand new full ride-front seat and full HD video. The video is in real full HD so make sure you choose to watch it
in 1080p definition! As soon as the video begin click on the little wheel on the bottom right and choose to watch it in 1080p. !
Because the ride is sometime dark you might have some video "noise" if you watch it full screen, but not that much.
So, all aboard, enjoy the ride, and once you're done CLICK HERE to come back to Disney and more home page!
Picture and Video: copyright Disney and more
Libellés :
madagascar ride,
universal studios singapore
dimanche 19 août 2012
Toy Story Playland HD Video

When i've posted this Toy Story Playland video two years ago i didn't imagined that two years later more than 2.133.500 people would
have watched it on youtube. To celebrate this, i introduce today D&M MAX where you'll be able in the future to see pictures and watch
videos in bigger and more comfortable size.
So, go ahead and discover or re-discover this great Toy Story Playland video in which you'll see two rides of the WDS land. Something important, though, to make sure you will watch it in HD: as soon as the video begin click on the little wheel on the bottom right and
choose to watch it in the biggest definition available!
Brand new videos will come soon, but in the meantime, enjoy the show, and once you're done CLICK HERE to come back to Disney and
more home page!
Video: copyright Disney and more
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